
Thursday, January 12, 2012

World Heritage Site Buddhist Vihara, Paharpur, Bangladesh

 Heritage Site
A world Heritage Site is a place (natural or cultural) recognized by the international community of the World Heritage Convention announced by UNESCO in 1972, as possessing universal quality, and coming under a collective responsibility for its preservation. A country nominates a site to the Convention, and a decision on whether to including it in the World Heritage list is made by a 21- number international committee.

 Though a small country, Bangladesh has three World Heritage Sites: Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur is one of them.
About Buddist Vihara
The Buddhist Vihara at paharpur, 200 Kilometers northwest of Dhaka of Bangladesh, in South Asia. Was founded in the 7th century. It is the largest single Buddhist monastery in the Indian subcontinent and is also Known as the Somapura Mahavira, the Great Monastery-city represents a unique artistic achievement which has influenced Buddhist architecture as far away as Cambodia. It was declared a World Heritage Site in 1985 at the 9th session of the 21-member international committee.

Buddhist Vihara at paharpur is an ancient constraction of Bangladesh, south east Asia. Introduction to the south of the Himalayas, Bihara, the largest Buddhist relics Mining paharapurera open carrying. Help us catch the wind borne debris or dirt – sand gradually  grow in amound or hill- shape assumption leads to the ucu. Thus, it is likely paharapura location. English 19 and 3 year of 1934 until the time to excavate a result there is a secret about copper rule (497 khri) with design of stone and bronze sculpture, burnt soil plate shown in Figure inscription rodra fire cured soil seal, figured it, the metal drabadi, ropya currency soil to create a pratbanirdasana lot of pot, etc.are available.

Inscription script, it was found that the soil can be silera pathoddhora ,in Bihara, was the actual name of the somapura mahabihara (cadera Bihara). In defeense of mahabihara palabansiya ddhitiya king (770-810 khri) katrka created. Note that, in 198 of the English and the next time paharapura Bihar Buddhist mond under several levels deep and excavate an earthen image of the lower house head, a copper coin and the other leg in several geological effects. The whole-head secret of all effects, especially fired soil sculprure and similar fearures. Sample chamber with the exception of geological facts brhadadara (16 feet  13 feet – 6),Mining the ruins of a building is open. Sizable in Bihara Jain said that building permits paharapura copper rule. The more profound and more are sure to fall short break, studies neem to be searched.

Paharpura Bihar, north – south of 9 feet and the east – west 919 feet. Midst of the arm to enter the path of primary and attractive uttara Bihar. Open yard of Bihar monk cell in a four -arm  177. Temple in yard center and its other locations in arm to represent high mass, the central small temple, well kitchen, and small eating-house assembly of small temples and other building are very nice. The creation of a central temple ucu is attractive and has step by step. ‘Terracotta’ face plate shown in figure adorn the temple.

Some of the 9th century, the last episode began as a domestic in a foreign king and dibyo kaibarta feudal lord was attacked repeatedly by the Pala Empire. The re-invasion of Bihar somapura enough damage is achieved. Almost at the same time, Buddhist convent and temple burnt come to use to Bengali soldier. 1, obtained by the Christian kings Bangladesh Sen. Raja  Sen Brammana early supporter of religion. Thus, Buddist temples in Bihar is gradually abandoned, and left the monk and the  pujari of this Bihar go elsewhere.